Source code for HookTest.units

import re
from collections import defaultdict

import pkg_resources
from lxml import etree

[docs]class TESTUnit(object): """ TestUnit Metaclass :param path: path of the current file """ EPIDOC = pkg_resources.resource_filename("HookTest", "resources/epidoc.rng") TEI_ALL = pkg_resources.resource_filename("HookTest", "resources/tei.rng") JING = pkg_resources.resource_filename("jingtrang", "jing.jar") RNG_ERROR = re.compile("([0-9]+):([0-9]+):(.*);") RNG_FAILURE = re.compile("([0-9]+):([0-9]+):(\s*fatal.*)") SPACE_REPLACER = re.compile("(\s{2,})") FORBIDDEN_CHAR = re.compile("[^\w\d]") NS = {"tei": "", "ti": ""} PARSER = etree.XMLParser(no_network=True, resolve_entities=False) def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.xml = None self.testable = True self.__logs = [] self.__archives = [] self.Text = False self.urn = None @property def logs(self): return self.__logs def log(self, message): if isinstance(message, str) and not message.isspace() and len(message) > 0: self.__logs.append(">>>>>> " + TESTUnit.SPACE_REPLACER.sub(" ", message.lstrip())) def error(self, error): if isinstance(error, Exception): self.log(str(type(error)) + " : " + str(error)) def flush(self): self.__archives = self.__archives + self.__logs self.__logs = []
[docs] def parsable(self): """ Check and parse the xml file :returns: Indicator of success and messages :rtype: boolean """ try: with open(self.path) as f: xml = etree.parse(f, TESTUnit.PARSER) self.xml = xml self.testable = True self.log("Parsed") except Exception as e: self.testable = False self.error(e) finally: yield self.testable
[docs] @staticmethod def rng(line): """ Return a rng free line :param line: Line of logs :return: LineColumn code, Error :rtype: (str, str) """ found = TESTUnit.RNG_ERROR.findall(line) identifier, code = "", line if len(found) == 0: found = TESTUnit.RNG_FAILURE.findall(line) if len(found) > 0: identifier, code = "(L{0} C{1})".format(*found[0]), found[0][-1] return code, identifier
[docs] @staticmethod def rng_logs(logs): """ Return a rng free line :param logs: Sum of logs :type logs: str or bytes :return: LineColumn code, Error :rtype: (str, str) """ logs = [TESTUnit.rng(log) for log in logs.decode("utf-8").split("\n") if bool(log.strip())] filtered_logs = defaultdict(list) for key, value in logs: filtered_logs[key].append(value) for key, value in filtered_logs.items(): yield "{0} [In {1}]".format(key, "; ".join(value))